Al-hikmah University UTME/DE Admission List 2022/2023 is Out on JAMB CAPS

Al-hikmah University UTME/DE Admission List 2022/2023 is Out on JAMB CAPS. This is to inform the general public especially the prospective students of Al-hikmah University that participate in the school’s Post-Utme screening exam that the Admission list for the 2022/2023 has been released. Below are steps to check your admission status.

This is to inform the general public especially the prospective students of Al-hikmah University that participate in the school’s Post-Utme screening exam that the Admission list for the 2022/2023 academic session is out.

Al-hikmah University UTME/DE Admission

Important Information: 2022/2023 Admitted students are to check their individual portal for all outstanding sundry fees for immediate payment on or before resumption by clicking on “Pay bills” link

Step 1: You are required to accept you Admission Offer . Details of registration procedure are as follows:.

Step 2: Logon to and login with your Application Number

Note: You will be required to Login using Jamb or Application Number. [Check your mail or Application Slip if you forget or send and email to for assistance]

Step 3: Upon Login Click on “Check Admission Status” to check admission status. If admitted, click on the “Accept Admission Offer” button to commence initial registration rights on the “ Portal”. Candidates are also to accept their admission on JMB CAPS. Al-hikmah University UTME/DE Admission List

Step 4: Once “Admission Offer” is accepted, an account will be created for you automatically on the Student Portal and a password change will be required.

Step 5: Note that your initial password is “password”, enter any desired password of your choice in the new password fields to change your password. [Note: Ensure to choose password you can remember].

Note: An Email containing the details of your new account setup will be sent to your mail for future reference.

Step 6: Once password is changed successfully, you will be prompted to login again using your Jamb/Application Number and your newly created password.

Step 7: Once you logon, you will be directed to your profile page, simply update all the necessary fields and click on “Update Profile” button. Note: You will be allowed at this point to change your passport if you desire to change it.

Note: Ensure to use a valid email Address and Phone Number while updating your profile. Frequently check this mail for updates and information from time to time

Step 8: After updating your information, a confirmation link will be sent to your email box provided. Logon to your E-mail and click on the account activation link.

Congratulations to the admitted ones!!

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