Have you ever questioned the vegetation in your garden? With this list of typical weeds in Nigeria, you may finally identify the troublesome tiny plant that is attempting to outcompete your crops. Discover a few of the weeds that are common in this region of West Africa.
20 common weeds in local areas
You might be shocked to learn that Nigeria has a large number of common weeds. These plants (which are not necessarily as worthless as you would imagine) are sometimes seen growing close to your crops and in your gardens. To help you understand what you are dealing with, we have chosen to discuss some of the more common ones.Information Guide Nigeria
Here are the common weeds in Nigeria along with their scientific names without further ado:
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1. Speargrass (Imperata cylindrica)
It is a rather tall species of grass (up to 3 m), and with its long, slender stems and fluffy blooms, it has a lovely appearance. Although it is sometimes utilized for decoration, roof thatching, and even medicine, in Nigeria it is largely seen as unpleasant and worthless since it interferes with agricultural productivity.Top 20 common weeds in Nigeria every citizen should know
2. Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata)
While it is known as devil weed in some places, this weed is not quite as bad as you think. Of course, it is a mostly useless plant that grows on the land that lies fallow, but it can keep other weeds away that is much harder to get rid of.
3. Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus)
Nutgrass is actually a sedge, despite the fact that it looks like grass and includes the word “grass” in its name. It is a particular species of weed that has tubers that resemble nuts and triangle stems, thus the name. Nigerian farmers detest the plant because it thrives in arid environments but can also live in damp soil and is thus difficult to eradicate.
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4. Milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla)
This plant got its name from the milky white substance it exudes when cut. It has false flowers with no petals, and it might lose colour if it grows as a weed. One of the worst things about this plant is that it might cause anaphylaxis and dermatitis in people who are sensitive to latex, so be careful when you are dealing with it.20 Best Blenders in Nigeria and their Prices
5. Nuke-Noh (Tridax procumbens)
Despite the fact that most farmers consider it a weed and even a pest, nuke-boh is actually a medicinal plant. It is said to be helpful for people who are dealing with diabetes. It has lovely flowers, which is why it is also called tridax daisy. That said, this weed is really hard to get rid of, as it is quite invasive.Top 50 best hairstyles for girls with pictures
6. Witchweed (Striga genus)
As you might have guessed from the name, witchweed is not a very pleasant plant. It is a parasite, and it robs other plants of their nutrients by penetrating their root systems. Cereal grains suffer from this weed the most.
7. Couchgrass (Digitaria abyssinica)
This is a perennial grass that has long flat blue-green leaves, the roots of which form a mat underground, and that definitely is not good for the crops. This and other species of Digitaria can be found all across West Africa.
8. Dayflower (Commelina benghalensis)
While the leaves of this plant are considered edible, most farmers do not appreciate seeing it on their fields. It can cause serious harm to crops of peanuts, cassava, coffee and tea, and it can host a harmful virus that can attack the crops.
9. American bush mint (Hyptis spicigera)
American bush mint is not as harmful as some of the other common weeds on this list. It is a member of the mint family and does have some redeeming features. For instance, several agricultural pests are thought to be controlled by their oils, which are used as insecticides.
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10. Bahama grass (Cynodon dactylon)
Similarly to nuke-noh, Bahama grass has the potential of being used in medicine. It is said to help with constipation and diabetes. It is also useful for grazing animals, so consider it twice before getting rid of this weed.NYSC Portal
11. Wild sunflower (Aspilia Africana)
It seems like a lot of weeds that are found in West Africa (particularly Nigeria) have lots of uses, as this plant is capable of stopping bleeding, accelerating wound healing, and treating rheumatic pains and stings from bees or even scorpions.
12. Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)
This plant can survive with little water and nutrients, which makes it perfect for some of Nigeria’s dry lands. However, like most other types of weeds on this list, it has its redeeming qualities, as it can improve the fertility of the soil and keep it from eroding, and it can be used in manufacturing.
13. Carpet grass (Axonopus compressus)
This weed loves the sun and wet soil, as most crops do, so it is hard to get rid of it. On the other hand, it can be used to beautify non-crop lands, such as parks or roadside areas, as it is fairly low-maintenance.105 Good Morning My Love Messages
14. African Club Moss (Selaginella kraussiana)
This plant is indigenous to Africa, namely to its tropical and southern parts, as suggested by its name. It is hard to get rid of since it is so versatile. However, given its attractiveness, you could decide against doing so.
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15. African Feather Grass (Cenchrus macrourus)
This grass is also adaptable, as it can thrive in cold and hot conditions, and it can tolerate winds and salty ground. It has strongly ribbed, tough leaves that are light green on top and dark green on the bottom.200 Romantic Love Message for her
16. African Olive (Olea europaea)
Even though you might believe that this plant is beneficial, it isn’t. Despite looking like a young olive shrub, it is not as beneficial as its other cousins. Additionally, African olive bushes are particularly difficult to eradicate, and birds may quickly disperse their seeds.
17. Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum)
Buffalo grass shouldn’t be growing near your crops because it is known to push out other plants and weeds. Nevertheless, it could be advantageous for your animals if you put it in a pasture or ranch, and it is attractive.
18. Falsethistle (Acanthus montanus)
You shouldn’t be affected by this weed unless you grow crops in a forest or in the shade. If you do come across it, keep your hands covered since it is highly thorny. You may admire the plant from a distance since it has gorgeous blossoms.
19. Creeping foxglove (Asystasia gangetica)
This plant can mostly be found roadside and in waste areas, which might seem strange as it has such lovely flowers. Even though it is considered a common weed, it should cause no harm to your crops. On the contrary, its leaves can be consumed as food or used in medicine.
20. Yellow Justicia (Justicia Flava)
This widespread weed, which is present in the majority of the soil in compound farms and waste areas, is really quite beneficial. Along with the other components of the plant, its leaves are known to be used in medicine and may be used to make soups and vegetable salt. The next time you see it, hold off on destroying it.Jamb Portal
In Nigeria and the rest of West Africa, there are a lot more typical weeds. We encourage you to read “A Handbook of West African Weeds” by C. W. Agyakwa and I. O. Akobundu if you are interested in learning more about them because it has many species that we were unable to include on this page.
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