10 Factors Affecting Decision Making in Nigeria 

Factors Affecting Decision Making in NigeriaMaking decisions is an important part of daily life and is necessary for any civilization to function properly. Decision-making in Nigeria is influenced by a wide range of elements, including cultural, economic, social, and political ones. The decisions that people, groups, and governmental institutions make are greatly influenced by these variables.InformationGuideNigeria

This article will examine the numerous aspects of decision-making in Nigeria, such as societal pressures, economic conditions, cultural norms and values, and political issues. We can better comprehend the decision-making processes that influence Nigeria’s society and economy by knowing these elements.

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Definition of Decision Making

The process in which choices are made through a process of identification is what is referred to as decision making. Through a step-by-step decision-making process, thoughtful decisions that are more deliberate and apt can be made because information can be arranged in a way that makes decision making process easy and also, alternatives are made available in a way that is easily reachable.

Importance of Decision Making

It is important to take decisions in Business for the following reasons

  1. It makes interpersonal relationships better.
  2. It is a driving factor in the survival of any business.
  3. Taking decisions helps you to analyze risks in business.
  4. When good decisions are taken, it helps to build trust amongst employees and also boost the morale of those working for you.
  5. It helps to plan ahead of time.

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How to make decisions

  1. Spot the problemsJAMB Portal
  2. Gather all the facts and information that are relevant
  3. Look for alternatives
  4. Compare that facts and evidenceNYSC Portal
  5. Make your best possible choice out of the options that are made available
  6. Start right away by taking actions
  7. Analyze the consequence of the actions you have taken.

Factors Affecting Decision making

In Nigeria, among the factors that affect decision-making are:

  1. Cultural norms:

There are about 500 different ethnic groups in Nigeria, each of which has its unique traditions and customs. Nigerian decision-making is heavily influenced by cultural norms. The decisions that people make are influenced by their families, communities, and religious convictions.200 Romantic Love Message

For instance, because the idea of “face” or “ego” is highly valued in Nigerian culture, people may choose to act in ways that harm their personal beliefs or interests to preserve their reputation or status within their group.

  1. Education:

A persons level of education might have an impact on their ability to make judgments because educated individuals may have access to more information and are more likely to do so.

  1. Religion:

The religion of a person usually has an effect on how well or worse he takes his decisions. Oftentimes, a person might want to be biased in making decisions in order to favour his religion.

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  1. Economic situation:

People’s financial situations might affect how they make decisions. Poor people, for instance, can be more prone to make choices based on their present needs rather than their long-term objectives.

In Nigeria, decision-making is heavily influenced by people’s and households’ economic circumstances. Low-income individuals and households could only have a few options for healthcare, work, and education, which could hinder their capacity to advance economically. Their access to credit and other financial services may also be hampered by these restrictions, making it more challenging for them to save money for the future.

  1. Availability of Money:  

People and households with higher incomes could have more money to spend on things like healthcare, education, and other things that can help them better their financial situation. Additionally, this may increase their likelihood of using credit and other financial services, which may aid in the expansion of their enterprises and investments. Overall, the choices that people and households in Nigeria make can be greatly influenced by their economic situation.

  1. Political environment:

Decisions may be impacted by the political environment in Nigeria. People might be more reluctant to make contentious decisions, for instance, during times of political unrest.

  1. Social media:

Social media can be used to influence decisions. Making decisions that are in line with the opinions of one’s friends and family may be more common.105 Good Morning Love Messages

  1. Age:

The decision-making process can be influenced by age. For instance, whereas younger people may be more risk-taking, older people may be more likely to make conservative decisions.

  1. Gender:

Gender can affect how decisions are made. For instance, societal expectations and cultural conventions may make it harder for women in Nigeria to make decisions than men.

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  1. Ethnicity:

Just like culture, an individual’s ethnicity can affect their choices. For instance, people from various ethnic groups may have varying opinions on particular subjects and may act appropriately.

In Nigeria, ethnicity has a big impact on how decisions are made. There are more than 250 different ethnic groups in the nation, and each has a distinct cultural and historical history. These ethnic groups frequently have various languages, beliefs, and customs, which can result in diverse viewpoints on a range of subjects.

Ethnic groups frequently back individuals and political parties who they believe to be on their side in political debates. This could result in a scenario where politicians appeal to particular ethnic groups using rhetoric and promises tailored to their needs. This can cause animosity and conflict amongst ethnic groups and make it challenging for leaders to decide what is best for the nation as a whole.

  1. Psychological variables:

Personality traits, emotions, and cognitive biases can all have an impact on a decision-maker. More impulsive people, for instance, might be more inclined to act on impulse, whereas more analytical people might be more prone to think things over before acting.

An additional factor in decision-making in the economic world is racial affinity. People frequently do business with members of their ethnic group, which can result in a lack of diversity in the economic world and limit chances for members of other ethnic groups.

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While ethnicity is a significant component of Nigerian culture and identity, it can also have a detrimental impact on the nation’s ability to make decisions. To foster unity and make decisions that are in the best interests of all Nigerians, leaders, and individuals must work toward understanding and respect for the diversity of ethnic groups in the nation.

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