Kaduna State Polytechnic HND Admission List 2022/2023 Is Out

Kaduna State Polytechnic HND Admission List 2022/2023 Is Out. This is to inform all candidates who registered and took part in the HND admission processes of Kaduna State Polytechnic that the management has released the admission list for 2022/2023 session. All candidates who applied should follow the guidelines given below to check their names on the admission list.

All candidates who applied for admission into the Hgher National Diploma (HND) programmes are to proceed to check if they have been offered admission.The lists have been made available online and it is accessible via the polytechnic admission status checking portal.

 Kaduna State Polytechnic HND Admission List

How to check KADPOLY HND Admission List 

1. Log on to the polytechnic admission status checking portal via>>>.http://kadunapoly.edu.ng/students/check-admission

2. Enter your Application Number where required. 200 Romantic Love messages

3. Click on the ‘Check’ button to access your admission status. Good morning my love messages

Admitted candidates are to check JAMB CAPS and either accept or reject the admission offer

Congratulations to all admitted students!

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