Waec Data Processing Past Questions. For all those who are going to write waec examination this year and having some trouble mind on how they will make it in the exams! Worry no more because there is good news on your desk right now. This is to introduce to you the Waec Data Processing Past Questions. This past question is projected to assist you to get during the Data Processing WAEC examination this year.
Before going for any examination, maximum preparation is required to get the necessary success. therefore, we bring you information on Waec Data Processing Past Questions in PDF Format, what it is all about, how it is patterned to suit your demand, and the easiest way to download or get it. Pounds to Naira
What is Waec Data Processing Past Questions
Let us begin by explaining what this past question is all about. Waec Data Processing Past Questions is the compilation of all the Waec Data Processing Past Questions that has been given to students to qualify them for issuance and collection of school certificate and the past question is presented in pdf format. We have made it very simple, portable, and affordable such that every student can get it or download it as long as they have access to the smartphone. therefore, jamb mathematics past questions is what every intending jamb candidate needs to pass the examination well. Waec Data Processing Past Questions
All those who have bought our past questions have been giving testimonies of how it helped them. We are very sure it is going to help you as well. When you get this past question it will definitely help you to score higher than your competitors and give you an edge over them. Pounds to Naira
With the proper use of our original Waec Data Processing Past Questions, you will definitely pass the WAEC exams and come out with flying colors smiling. This past question comes to you through your email address or Whatsapp once you make payments to purchase it. The downloadable format is going to be in softcopy, you can either choose to download it and read with your android phone or laptop and at your own convenience – wherever and whenever.
How is Waec Data Processing Past Questions Patterned
Normally, the Waec Data Processing Past Questions is patterned in three ways. there are the objectives, theory, and to some subjects, there is the practical aspect. We have made it very easy for you. we bring all the questions for many years and put them together but we indicate the specific years of their occurrence. We provide the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the Waec Data Processing Past Questions in PDF Format and watch yourself change the narrative by scoring better than you expected in the examination.
Why You Need A Copy of Waec Data Processing Past Questions
If you would not like to be disappointed during the waec examination, then it’s high time you buckled down for the examination. You need this past question for the following under listed reasons;
Getting the Waec Data Processing Past Questions from us, and taking time to study the content will expose you to the questions that have been asked years back as most of those questions and answers get repeated every year while some will just be rephrased. So if you don’t have a copy of this past question, then you are losing out.
- It, however, provides useful information about the types of questions to expect and helps you prevent unpleasant surprises. Dollar to Naira Rate
- You will be able to detect and answer repeated questions quickly and easily.
- You will be able to find out the number of questions you will see in the exams.
Data Processing Waec Data Processing Past Questions Sample
In other to know that we are giving out the original Data Processing Waec Data Processing Past Questions, we have decided to give you some free samples as proof of what we said earlier.
Paper 2
Short Structured Questions
Section A
1 a. Describe Data Handling
b. Explain two ways of handling data
c. State four factors to consider when handling data electronically.
2 a. Define Information Processing
b. State Four steps involved in Information processing
c. Mention three advantages of using computers for information processing. Highlight three disadvantages of using computers for information processing.
3 a i. With the aid of a simple diagram, explain information transmission
ii. Give one example of information transmission
b. Give one example of each of the following:
i. Single User, Single Tasking operating system
ii. Single user, multitasking operating system
iii. multi-user operating system.
List four features of a Graphical User Interface.
4a. Mention four qualities of a good computer professional
b. List four computer professional bodies in Nigeria
c. Write the full meaning of the following:
i. WiFi
ii. GUI
Section B
- (a) Folders are used for storing files on the computer. List the steps for carrying out the following operations:
- creating a folder on the desktop
- Giving name to the folder
- Sending a file from “My Documents” folder into the folder create in 6a
- Changing the name of the folder in 6a to results
(b) The table below shows selected fields and data types in Ms-Access. Use it to answer questions 6(b) (i) and 6(b)
Fields | Data Types |
FullName | Text |
Mat. No | Text |
Date Of Birth | * |
Fees | * |
Address | Memo |
- What is the appropriate data type for:
- Date of Birth Field;
Fees Field? - If Ms Access is running, describe the procedures to:
- Create a table with the fields as given above using design view;
Set the Mat. No Field as the primary key
III. Set the FullName Field to a maximum of 50 characters.
Paper 1
- Who developed the first digital electronic computer?
- Blaise Pascal b. Joseph Jacquard c. Mauchly and Eckert d. Von Leibniz
- Which generation of computers made use of integrated circuits?
- Fourth b. Third c. Second d. First
- Which of the following is alphabetic data?
- Bed b. Ax44jj c. AB + CD d. %
- The type of data that consists of text, number, audio, video, graphic, and animation is called
- data set b. multimedia data c. multi-purpose data d. multi-variable data
- Which of the following factors is not considered when classifying computers?
- Location b. Size c. Type d. Purpose
- Which of the following is not used for online shopping?
- Master Card b. Credit Card c. Verve Card d. Sim Card
- Which of the following is a negative impact of ICT in education?
- Plagiarism b. e-library c. Distance learning d. Computer-based test
- Which of the following are parts of a computer processor?
- CPU and main memory b. Control Unit and ALU c. Operating system and applications d. Main memory and storage
- Data gathering involves the following means except
- Counting process b. voting process c. measuring process d. calculating process
- Two computers, X and Y are such that the processor in X has a word size of 32 bits while that of Y is 16 bits. Which of the following statements is true?
- Xcan process half as much data as Yat the same time b. X can process the same amount of data as Y at the same time c. X can process two times as much data as Y at the same time d. X can process four times as much data as Y at the same time.
- The television set displays information as
- antenna signals b. visual signals c. audio signals d. audio-visual signals
- Which of the following is not an ancient medium for transmitting information?
- Fire lighting b. Beating of drums c. Telephone d. Whistling
- A server is a computer that provides services to other computers called
- clients b. peers c. routers d. switches
- The rules for exchanging data on a network are known as
- transmission rules b. transfer rules c. protocols d. configurations
- A search engine is a
- program that searches engines b. computer engine that searches a database c. hardware component of a computer d. a tool that searches the web
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7 Tips to Prepare for WAEC Exams
- Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be in top priority and not as a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
- Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Waec Data Processing Past Questions, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastering of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
- Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will not only help you refresh your memory but will boast your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
- Sleep when you feel like: When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
- Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
- Eat when you feel like: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, so as to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you to enhance retention.
- Reduce your time in social media: Some people live their entire life on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.
If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you to score as high as possible.
We wish you good luck!
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