Do you wish to set up a yahoo mail account? Then this post contains all the information you need to register and set up a yahoo mail account.Information Guide Nigeria
Yahoo mail is a free email service owned by Yahoo. Yahoo mail offers you 1,000 GB worth of storage space, so you can send and receive large files and attachments without needing third-party services like Dropbox or Google Drive.Yahoo Mail Registration
Also, on yahoo mail, you can configure your inbox to check other accounts from external email providers such as Hotmail, Gmail, or AOL.
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How to Open a Yahoo Mail Account
Follow the procedures below to open a yahoo mail account for free.
- Visit the Yahoo official website and click on the sign-in icon
- Click on Create new account on the portal
- A form will be displayed on the screen, fill the form with your correct details
- Enter your preferred username and password
- After filling out the form completely, click on continue
- A verification will be required to complete the procedure
- After receiving the text message or email for verification enter the verification code you received into the space provided
- Click on submit codeThe Best Mario Kart 8 Combination in 2023 See Latest Update
- Your account is fully open and verified.
How to Sign in to Your Yahoo Account
To sign into your yahoo mail account, follow the instructions below:
- Go to the yahoo official website
- Click on the sign-in icon on the portal
- Enter your yahoo mail address and password into the space provided
- Click on loginWAEC Government Questions 2023 Objective and Theory Update
- You will be taken to your yahoo mail dashboard.
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How to Delete a Yahoo Mail account
Do you wish to deactivate or delete your yahoo mail account for reasons best known to you? Then see procedures on how to do it below:
- Firstly, log on to
- Enter your yahoo mail password into the space provided
- Click on “end this account”
- Your yahoo mail account will be permanently deleted after 90 days.
- You can choose to transfer the data elsewhere before deletingNpower Recruitment
Can I Open a Yahoo Mail for Free?
Opening a yahoo mail is free of charge. You are not required to pay any service fee to create an account. All you need is internet access and your correct details to create an account.JAMB Form
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What are the Other Yahoo Services?
Want to know what other services you can enjoy with your yahoo account? Then take a look at the yahoo services below:
- Yahoo Advertising
- Yahoo Answers
- Yahoo Autos
- Yahoo Developer
- Yahoo Finance
- Yahoo GeoPlanet
- Yahoo Groups
- Yahoo Local
- Yahoo Maps
- Yahoo Messenger
- Yahoo News
- Yahoo OMG
- Yahoo PipesWAEC Result
Visit the Yahoo website to learn more about these services.
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The yahoo mail is a great mail to have. With it, you can gain access to several amazing yahoo services. If you do not have an account on yahoo already, then stop hesitating and follow the procedures in this post to create your yahoo mail today.
If you encounter any difficulty or problems while trying to register on the platform, kindly let us know, and we’ll provide you with some assistance.JAMB Result
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