10 Solutions to Students Protests in Nigerian Higher Institutions

Whenever Nigerian higher institution students encounter serious problems, they protest. Such protests take different forms. Sometimes, they go as far as destroying lives and properties.Information Guide Nigeria

Whatever form the protests take, they are unwelcomed developments. Therefore, we should prevent them. The following ten solutions to students’ protests in Nigerian higher institutions can help.

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Solutions to Nigerian Higher Institution Students’ Protests

  1. Provision of Adequate Educational Facilities

Most of the time, Nigerian higher institution students demand quality education. When the school authorities and the government do not meet their demand, they resort to protests.

The solution here is the provision of adequate educational facilities. Looking at such demand critically, you can see that the students are right. The schools need adequate educational facilities. Without the necessary buildings and equipment, the students cannot learn. The school authorities need the right equipment in educating the students.

Education is something that is essential to Nigerian citizens. Whatever the Nigerian youths will become depends on the Nigerian education. It is for this reason that the Nigerian government should not play with its educational system. The higher institution authorities ought to be the ones to demand such facilities.

  1. University Authorities Meeting Students’ Demands

To avoid Nigerian higher institution students protesting, university authorities should meet their demands. That they are students does not mean that all of their demands are bad. They sometimes make reasonable demands.

Their demand for quality education in Nigeria is not a bad one. Yet, some government officials turn it down. They feel that the students are arrogant. No, they know what they are saying. This is why some Nigerians blame the authorities for bad leadership in Nigeria. Some Nigerian leaders do not know what is right for the country. They only know what is right for them.Solutions to Students Protests

Unbelievably, the Nigerian higher institution students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Therefore, they are after the future of Nigeria. They want Nigeria to become a great nation in the future. They know the importance of quality education to Nigeria. The government and the school authorities should meet such good demands.

  1. The Use of Dialogue

The use of dialogue can go a long way in preventing protests among Nigerian higher institution students. When the students have some demands to make, they should first go for negotiation. They should talk things over with the right authorities. Protest should not be the first thing. Negotiation should come first.

The school authorities should not underrate the students. They are also human beings. That they are students today does not mean that they have no sense. Some of them are heads of their families. They know what is right. As they know what is right for their families so they know what is right for the nation. They also know what is right for their schools. Therefore, people should listen to them.WAEC Result

When the students come up with their demands, the school authorities should call them for dialogue. Such dialogue will prevent them from going to protests. If the school authorities cannot meet their demands, a dialogue will make them be aware of this. They will see the reasons with the school authorities. They will not go into protests.

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  1. The use of Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflicts are bound to come. When they come, they need adequate management. Not all people have conflict resolution skills. There are experts who possess such skills. School authorities should bring these experts in whenever conflicts arise between them and the students.JAMB Result

The government and all higher institution owners should train their school heads in conflict management. Where the school authorities do not have the required conflict resolution skills, they should employ those that have them. Alternatively, they should hire.

  1. Provision of Adequate Infrastructure on the Campuses

The university campuses need infrastructure for their smooth running. When the needed infrastructure is not there, the students protest. If there are but are not adequate, they will also protest. To avoid such protests, the university authorities need to provide adequate infrastructure on the campuses.

  1. Including the Students in Decision Making

The mistake that some higher institution authorities make is taking decisions all alone. The students are part of the school system. As such, they should be included in the decision making body of the school.

The students are human beings like the school authorities. They have a lot in them. Therefore, they have a lot to contribute to the running of the school to which they belong.

One thing that the school authorities should realize is the fact that people hardly fight against themselves. People see their decision as part of them. Thus, when they agree to something, they hardly go against that thing.How to Check MTN Bonus Balance

It is for this reason that the school authorities should learn to include the students in their decision-making. The government, too, should learn how to do the same. These are the future leaders. We cannot exclude them from the leadership of today.10 Problems and Challenges of Petroleum Industry Act Implementation in Nigeria

When the students are included in decision-making, they do not only prevent protests but also help in making the policies of the school. Thus, they learn how to lead and carry their fellow students along. When other students agitate, those who made the decisions help in quelling them. Thus, students’ protests in higher institutions will be reduced to the barest minimum if not totally eradicated.

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  1. Effective Communication between School Authorities and the Students

Nothing can take the place of effective communication. School authorities should learn how to communicate effectively with the students under them. Lack of effective communication brings rumour. Rumour leads to one of the things that bring protests.

When the students do not know what the school authorities mean, they assume anything they like. They can misinterpret what they hear and see. Such misinterpretations can trigger negative reactions that can lead to protests.

It is for this reason that the school authorities should not leave the students in doubt. The government is not left out here. Government officials should not say or do things of double interpretation. They should be ready to answer any question that the students might have.

The students should not always take laws into their hands. They should seek the correct interpretation of whatever they are in doubt of.

Effective communication will always bring about mutual understanding. Moreover, mutual understanding would bring about desired peace in the school environment. Thus, there would not be students’ protests in the higher institutions.

  1. There should be Moderate Stable Fees

One problem that has often caused students’ protests in higher institutions is unstable school fees. Coupled with that are high tuition fees. The two can lead to the higher institution students protesting.

Any increase in the fees that the students are paying should be well communicated to them. The reason behind such increment should be well articulated. All questions regarding the increase should be well answered. The students should not be left in doubt and confusion.JAMB Form

The government and the school authorities should make sure that all the fees that the students are paying are moderate. High school fees would always trigger the anger of the students. Such anger would lead to their protests.

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  1. Avoidance of Threats

The school authorities and the government officials sometimes threaten the students. This is not good enough. When they threaten the students, they would want to prove there is something they can do. The result is protest. Therefore, avoidance of threats can cub higher institution students from protesting.

  1. Provision of Adequate Students’ Welfare

Sometimes, the school authorities do not take good care of their students. There are times when even the governments do not care about them. When the students do not have adequate welfare, they protest.

Therefore, the government and the school authorities should provide adequate students welfare in higher institutions. When the students are comfortable, they will not think of protesting.

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The Bottom Line1 

Yes, students protesting in Nigerian higher institutions have solutions. The solutions include:

  • The provision of adequate educational facilities
  • The university authorities and the governments meeting the students’ demands
  • The use of dialogue
  • The use of conflict resolution skillsNpower Recruitment
  • The provision of adequate infrastructure on the campuses
  • The inclusion of the students when making decisions
  • The use of effective communication
  • Moderate stable tuition fees
  • Avoidance of threats
  • Provision of adequate students welfare

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