Ways to Improve the Police Service Commission in Nigeria – There is no doubt that the Police Service Commission in Nigeria needs improvement. This post suggests ten ways that we can take to improve the Police Service Commission here in Nigeria. The ten ways include: Information Guide Nigeria
- Constitution and Act review
- Appointment of human rights experts
- Appointment of police training experts
- Establishment of states offices
- Independent investigative units establishment
- Commission secretary tenure
- Accountability
- Independent commission
- Responsive leadership
- International standards
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The Nigeria Police Service Commission Improvement
We can use the following suggested ways to improve the Police Service Commission in Nigeria.
1. Constitution and Act Review
If we want to improve the Police Service Commission and strengthen it towards effectiveness, our lawmakers must review the constitution and the Act that established the commission.
One, the clause that exempts the Inspector-General of Police from the control of the commission must be removed.10 Ways to Improve the Police Service Commission in Nigeria
The Inspector-General of Police, being a police officer, should be under the control of the Police Service Commission. He should be answerable to the head of the commission. This will solve the problem of the power tussle that had been between him and the commission permanently.
Two, the President should not be in total control of the commission.
Three, the qualities and skills of the head of the commission must be clearly stated.
Four, the opinion of the public must be sought concerning the Police Service Commission.
2. Appointment of Human Rights Experts
The Police Force deals with mostly civil matters. Oftentimes, police officers violate the fundamental human rights of citizens who might want redress. These human rights experts stand a better chance to adjudicate between the officers and the complainants.
Furthermore, they stand a better chance of directing police officers on how to go while dealing with members of society. Nigeria Police Recruitment 2023: Application Form Portal, Requirements and Guide
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3. Appointment of Police Training Experts
The importance of training and retraining police officers cannot be overemphasized. Crime in Nigerian society is taking a different dimension.
Nowadays, bandits no longer use guns in a robbery. They now use phones. Only the retraining of police officers can make them catch up with such bandits. Expert police trainers know better how to train our police personnel for all circumstances. Police Detective Job Description, Roles/Responsibilities, and Qualifications
4. Establishment of States Offices
The Police Service Commission should establish its office in all the states of the federation. In this way, local community citizens can easily interact with the commission.
If any person in the local community has a matter with any police officer, he need not go to Abuja before he lays his complaints. At worst, he can go to the state headquarters for his complaints. Local police control would equally become easy. NYSC Portal
5. Independent Investigative Units Establishment
For the sake of efficiency, the Police Service Commission should establish independent investigative units in its offices in all the states in Nigeria. A situation where police personnel investigates their matters is not good enough.
If a police officer errs, his fellow police officers should not investigate the matter. Human rights experts and the disciplinarians in the commission are in a better position to investigate such matters.
In addition, such matters should not wait to go to Abuja before the commission would try them. The experts in the units can try such matters and take action immediately lest they escalate.
6. Commission Secretary Tenure
The Police Service Commission should have a secretary whose tenure should be as fixed as that of the chairperson. It is not good enough for the commission to have visiting secretaries.
Nothing stops all the state offices of the federation from having their secretaries. Such an arrangement would facilitate the working of the commission. 105 Good morning my love messages and quotes for your sweetheart
7. Accountability
Accountability is one thing that would help to strengthen the Police Service Commission. Leaders in the commission should be accountable to all members of the commission.
A problem of the commission is the lack of transparency. The head of the commission does not let the subjects know how much the commission has and how much it has spent. The commission is not personal property. As such, it should make public all reports that pertain to it. 200 Romantic love messages for her
All quarterly reports should be made public as when due. All Nigerian citizens have the right to know what goes on in the commission and talk more about the members of the commission. Openness will bring sanity to the commission and render it effective.
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8. Independent Commission
For effectiveness, the Police Service Commission should become an independent entity. A situation where the head of the commission would need the approval of the President before he does what the commission judges to be right renders the commission ineffective.
Sometimes, justice delayed is justice denied because it is better to strike the iron when it is red hot. Waiting for the President’s approval is delaying things unnecessarily.
It is for this reason that the commission should be made up of experts who know their onus. The important thing is that the head should not act alone. The commission should have an executive body that overrules all matters. Most of the time, their immediate action is necessary for effectiveness.
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9. Responsive Leadership
The constitution and the Act established the commission for the Police Force. Therefore, the type of leadership that the commission should provide to the Police Force is that of responsive leadership. The commission should respond promptly to the needs of the Police Force.
No child cries without reason. Are police officers crying for adequate pay? The commission should respond immediately. Motivation works like magic. A motivated person can be ready to go to any lengths. Therefore, our police need motivation. Jamb portal
Are the training officers crying for adequate equipment? The commission should respond promptly. They are crying because they need the equipment very badly.
With the commission, nothing should be lacking in the Police Force. The commission should be reachable at all times. It should listen to all complaints from police officers. The commission should not underrate any police personnel. All police officers should receive equal treatment.
10. International Standards
The work of the Police Service Commission should be to bring the Nigeria Police Force to international standards.
The report has it that “The Singapore Police Force is credited with making the country ‘the safest place in the world’”. Why can Nigeria not be the second safest place in the world?
Whatever the Nigeria Police Force would be must originate from the Police Service Commission. The commission must explore other countries and import their innovations to Nigeria. The Nigeria Police should receive the same type of training that their counterparts are receiving outside Nigeria. They should use the same technology that others are using. What are important are world standards.
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The Police Service Commission needs improvement. No man is an island. If the Lawmakers would listen to all Nigerians, they should gather what they ought to do to improve the Police Service Commission.
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