10 Solutions to Insecurity in Nigeria

The whole world knows that there is insecurity in Nigeria. Nigerians know that there is insecurity in their country. The federal government has tried to fight against it to no avail.Information Guide Nigeria

All problems have solutions. That you have not gotten a solution to a problem does not mean that there is no solution.

Insecurity in Nigeria has a solution. Let us now look into 10 possible solutions to insecurity in this great country called Nigeria.

The 10 solutions that we want to look into are:

  1. Employment
  2. No Cheating
  3. God’s Prophets
  4. Death Penalty
  5. Well Equipped Police
  6. Government
  7. Wealth Distribution
  8. Fortified Borders
  9. Intelligence Agencies
  10. Individuals

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10 Solutions to Insecurity in Nigeria

1. Employment

One major cause of insecurity in Nigeria is poverty. A hungry man is an angry man. Hunger is a drive. When it comes, it must be satisfied. If not, there will not be peace.

For there to be peace in Nigeria, the government should provide employment. Not only should the government, but all well-meaning Nigerians should also provide employment.

Employment can go a long way in solving the problem of insecurity in Nigeria. It can be because those who engage in all these insecure activities are able-bodied persons. These people have nothing doing and idle minds are the devil’s workshops.

Kidnappers kidnap because they need money. Robbers rob because they need money. If they have the money that they need, these activities will stop.Solutions to Insecurity

2. No Cheating

To tell the truth, some people are being cheated in Nigeria. Some regions are being cheated.

Take the Niger Delta for example. They have nothing to show for the huge amount of oil that is drilled from their land. The Ogonis have been crying over what goes on in their land.

It is such cheating that results in the kidnapping of oil workers for ransom. They want something back. If all regions are treated well, insecurity in Nigeria will stop.10 Most Wicked Tribes in Nigeria

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3. God’s Prophets

God’s prophets are special people provided by God for solutions to problems. Nigeria is yet to know the value of these people.

In 1 Kings chapter 22, King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat were to go into battle against the Syrians. They summoned the prophets in the land to enquire whether they will be successful in the battle. Prophet Micaiah stood out among the prophets and told them exactly what would happen. It happened exactly as he said.

There are false prophets here and there no doubt. Yet, there are true prophets in Nigeria that can help it come out of its calamities. Some of them have prophesied about this country and it happened.

The truth is that the devil does not want anything good. The devil knows the strength in unity. Hence, he wants to divide the country into pieces.free download of nnpc past questions

The moment Nigeria is divided, the name, “The Giant of Africa”, is gone. God’s prophets can see into the spiritual realm and deal with the mess. Thus, God’s prophets in Nigeria can help it to come out of its insecurity situation.

4. Death Penalty

There are crimes in any society that should carry the death penalty. The truth is that when the wicked die the righteous increase. In the same way, when the righteous die, the wicked increase.

Until some people are put to death, Nigeria will know no peace. Let the lawmakers look into the crimes that are committed in Nigeria. Some of them should carry death penalties.Npower recruitment

The moment kidnappers begin to die, kidnapping will stop. When sponsors of evil-doers begin to die, nobody will like to sponsor evil-doers anymore.

Spirits do not carry out insecure activities. Humans carry them out. When these humans are eliminated, their activities will be eliminated as well. Thus, the death penalty is a solution to insecurity in Nigeria.

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5. Well Equipped Police

The police are specially trained to deal with internal insecurity. Nevertheless, the Nigerian police are not well equipped. They cannot withstand the weapons that the kidnappers and terrorists use.

Therefore, for them to be able to fight insecurity in the country, they should be well equipped.

Not only should they be well equipped with weapons, but they should also be well paid. It is said that American police do not take bribes because they are well paid. So, the reason Nigerian police take bribes is that they are not well paid.dollar to naira rate

You should not expect someone who is paid thousands to risk his life securing the person that is paid millions. This is why the Nigerian police run away when criminals appear.

High compensation should also be paid to any police officer who lost his life when trying to combat crime. This will make the police willing to risk their lives in securing the people. If not, they will like to secure themselves without securing others.

6. Government

Government policies have a lot to do with the insecurity in the country. The gap between the poor and the rich is too wide for security to prevail.

The allowances paid to the government officials alone are enough to take care of so many poor people. They even claim an allowance for the hardship that the people are passing through. Yet, those passing through the hardship are paid nothing.

Equity is needed in this country. Not all geopolitical zones are treated equally. There is no fairness in revenue sharing. It is for this reason that some people are clamouring for restructuring.

When the electronic voting system was introduced, election riggers went against it. Now that people are calling for restructuring, those in fear are against it.

The central government should treat all the geopolitical zones with equality. It is when this is done that the problem of insecurity can be solved.

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7. Wealth Distribution

A closer look at those who are kidnapped in this country reveals that they are all rich people. A poor man that is kidnapped must have a connection with a rich person. A kidnapped child also has a connection with a rich person.

A closer look also reveals that no rich man is into kidnapping. Kidnappers are often poor people who need money. Very few of them are greedy persons who need more money.

This revelation shows that insecurity in the country is caused by inequality of wealth distribution. This is why Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 that rich people should be instructed to be generous and be ready to share their wealth with the poor.

As long as the gap between the rich and the poor is so wide in this country, kidnapping, stealing and armed robbery will not stop. For insecurity to stop in this country, let the wealthy learn how to distribute their wealth.

8. Fortified Borders

One solution to insecurity in this country is that our borders should be fortified. Arms should not be crossing our borders. Not all kidnappers are Nigerians. Some armed robbers are from outside countries. Fortifying Nigeria borders will prevent outsiders from coming into Nigeria to commit crimes.WAEC result

9. Intelligence Agencies

As a solution to insecurity in this country, intelligence agencies should be set up here and there. Powerful closed-circuit cameras should be installed in all strategic places for information collection and analysis. Thus, they should be able to track down all criminals in the country.JAMB form

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10. Individuals

Individual Nigerians are their best security agents. Those causing insecurities in the country live among them. They can help to track them down.

The problem here is that the police are not always friends. You may report a person to the police only to become a victim the next day.

If not, the individuals know those who do not sleep in their houses. They know those who live in the forest and the forest they live in.

Until all Nigerians decide to secure themselves, there will always be insecurity in the country.


Security is everybody’s business. You can always help the security agents to help you. Report all criminal activities to the security agents. Thus, insecurity will be a thing of the past in Nigeria.JAMB Result

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