Are you a prospective corps member and you don’t wish to go for the NYSC program now? If yes, then you can defer your NYSC until you’re ready to be mobilized for service.Information Guide Nigeria
Many Nigerian graduates after their graduation do not wish to be immediately deployed for the national service. Although, the NYSC program is a mandatory program, you can defer your NYSC posting to a letter date when you’re ready for the program.Defer NYSC
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Prospective Corps Members who have been mobilised for batch A but prefer to go for the Batch B instead can defer their posting easily and join Batch B mobilization when it’s out. Do you know how to defer your NYSC? If you don’t, then this article is for you.
You’re probably wondering if it’s possible to defer your NYSC, and if it won’t affect your service when you’re ready for deployment. You need not fret, because in today’s post I’ll be showing you everything you need to know about skipping your NYSC mobilization and how to defer your NYSC.How to answer JAMB Question on Computer
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How to Defer your NYSC Posting
Prospective Corps Members who wish to defer their NYSC posting for one reason or the other can do so easily if they follow the guidelines on this post. One way to defer your NYSC posting to the next batch is to not collect your NYSC call-up letter.
Prospective Corps Members who wish to defer their NYSC posting can avoid it by not collecting their call-up letters from their institution. If you do not collect your NYSC call-up letter from your institution, then you will be mobilized for the next batch.WAEC result
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This method was usually used frequently in the past, but now, things have been made easier. Now, if you wish to defer your NYSC, or you were unable to report to your NYSC camp for one reason or the other, all you need to do is visit the NYSC portal when you’re ready to be mobilized for service and apply for the NYSC Revalidation. Use the same login details used during the previous registration to log in to the portal.JAMB form
Note: The Revalidation process will be done automatically, if you have been deployed previously but are yet to serve.How to Check the JAMB Mock Result
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What to do if you’ve Registered for NYSC but You don’t want to Join the Current Batch
The best way to defer your NYSC posting is to not register in the first place until you are ready. However, if you’ve already registered and gotten your green card, then there’s no going back. You have to report to the NYSC camp.JAMB Result
If maybe you are lucky enough to be scheduled for stream 2 of the batch, then you can defer the posting and join the next batch. To do this, you can just skip the NYSC camp when the time comes and later apply for the NYSC Revalidation when it’s time for the next batch.
Note: You can only Defer your NYSC posting once. Hence, make sure you report for the NYSC program once you have been remobilized.
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How to Apply for NYSC Revalidation Online
Follow the procedures below to apply for the NYSC revalidation:
- Step 1: Go to the NYSC Revalidation portal via
- Step 2: On the portal, click on the “Revalidation” link
- Step 3: Enter your NYSC email address into the required column
- Step 4: Enter your password into the required column
- Step 5: Your NYSC revalidation will be processed automatically. However, you may be required to make payment again and select another state for deployment
- Step 6: After selecting the states for deployment, click on “Submit”
- Step 7: Your NYSC revalidation slip will be displayed on the screen. Print out your slip.
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