Share Data on all Networks 2023 | MTN, AIRTEL, 9Mobile and GLO

Share Data on all Networks 2023 | MTN, AIRTEL, 9Mobile, and GLO – Data bundles are the fuel for internet connections. The world as we know it is now a global village. Hence, in everything we do, there’s always a touch of internet connection, be it buying and selling, communication, business transactions, fun and games, etc. That’s why people tend to run out of data every now and then.Information Guide Nigeria

Did you know that, you can share data to your friends and loved ones directly from your data bundle balance? Yes you can! And this feature is available to all telecommunication networks in Nigeria.Share Data on all Networks

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So whenever, your friend runs out of data, and you don’t have enough cash on you to pay for their Subscription, you can send them data from your existing data balance for free. Do you want to know how to share data to another SIM card? Then continue reading this post.

In today’s post I’ll be showing you how to send share data to your friends and loved ones using MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile.

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How to Share Data on MTN

To share data to another SIM card using an MTN SIM card, follow the procedures below:

  1. Go to the Call App on your mobile phoneHow to Check Baba Ijebu Result on MTN
  2. Dial the code *131*7# using your MTN SIM card
  3. Select option 1 (transfer from data balance) from the list of options displayed
  4. Enter the recipient’s Phone number into the required column
  5. Enter the amount of data you wish to share
  6. Select option 1 to confirm the transaction.
  7. Congratulations you have successfully shared data to your friend.


  1. Go to the messaging app on your mobile phone
  2. Enter the message “Transfer, then recipient’s phone number, then amount of data
  3. For example; type “Transfer 08123456789 500”
  4. Send the message to 131JAMB Result
  5. You will receive a confirmation message from MTN once the transfer is successful
  6. Congratulations you have successfully shared data to your friend.

Note: You can only transfer data from your MTN SIM card to another MTN SIM card.

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How to Share Data on Airtel

To share data from your Airtel data balance, follow the procedures below:

  1. Go to the Call App on your mobile phone
  2. Dial *141*6# using your Airtel SIM card
  3. Select option 8 (Data Me2U) from the options displayed
  4. Select option 2 (Send Me2U from existing allowance) next
  5. Enter the recipient’s phone number
  6. Enter the amount of data you wish to shareJAMB Form
  7. Enter your Airtel transfer PIN (The Airtel default PIN is 1234)
  8. Confirm the transfer
  9. Congratulations you have successfully shared data to your friend.

Note: For the procedure to successful, the recipient’s phone number must be an Airtel phone number.

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How to Share Data on Glo

To share data on Glo, follow the procedures below:

  1. Go to the Call App on your mobile phone
  2. Dial the code *127*01*amount of data, then, recipient’s phone number# using your Glo SIM cardNpower Recruitment
  3. For example dial; *127*500*08123456789#
  4. Confirm the transfer
  5. Congratulations, you have successfully shared data to your friend.


  1. Go to the Call App on your mobile phone
  2. Dial the code *777# using Glo SIM card
  3. Select option 1 (data) from the list of options
  4. Select option 2 (share data plan) from the list of options
  5. Select option 1 (share)
  6. Enter recipient’s phone numberWAEC Result
  7. Confirm the transfer
  8. Congratulations, you have successfully shared your data bundle.

Note: For this procedure to work, the recipient’s phone number must be a Glo number.

Read Also: How to Borrow Data From MTN

How to Share Data on 9Mobile

To share data from your 9mobile SIM card, follow the procedures below:

  1. Go to the Call App on your mobile phone
  2. Dial the code *229* Transfer PIN, then Data amount, then recipient’s phone number# using your 9mobile SIM card
  3. For example dial, *229*1234*500*08123456789# (9mobile default transfer PIN is 0000)
  4. Confirm the transferHow to change date of birth on JAMB
  5. Congratulations you have successfully shared your data bundle.

Note: You can only share your data bundle to another 9mobile user.

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